Energetic Entities


If you do qigong, over time as you become more sensitive to the energies within your body and within the environment you may start to perceive the existence of nonphysical intelligent energetic entities.


These entities are a huge source of physical and psychological illness in humans.


Some of these entities are naturally attracted to living humans and tend to infiltrate the bodies of living humans.  They latch on to the brain and spinal chord or various organs of the body and attempt to exert a level of control over the person.  It is a very subtle effect, so subtle, most people have no idea they have been invaded by and are being influenced by these things.  Virtually everyone on the planet has been infiltrated by at least one and often times multiple foreign entities.


This is a problem because they cause physical illness by restricting nerve transmissions and chi energy flow throughout your body.  They cause psychological illness because many of the thoughts you have and many of the emotions you feel are not actually yours.  They are the thoughts and emotions of these foreign spirits which have invaded you.  Frequently, fear, anxiety, addictions, obsessive-compulsive disorders, digestion problems, etc. are directly due to the presence of these entities in your body.


Eviction of these entities is an easy thing if you know someone who can do it.  The two people I know who are the best at entity eviction are Bruce Fagan from Holly, MI and Jessica Marek from Grand Blanc, MI.


Eviction of these entities is generally VERY HEALING.  Now eviction might not cause 100% healing of your issues.  The reason these things are attracted to you in the first place is because you have a similar energy to them.  However once gone, symptoms generally subside to manageable levels.  You can then address YOUR issues more successfully.