Munay-Ki Rites of Initiation

Healing the Luminous Body with ancient Peruvian Shamanism




Broad-Billed Hummingbird (Male), Santa Rita Lodge, Madera Canyon, Near Green Valley, Arizona
















Anthropologist Alberto Villoldo Ph.D. spent more than 10 years in the Andes and Amazon studying energy medicine with shamen from the region.  He has taken the most powerful initiations and healing techniques he learned and organized them into what he calls the Munay-Ki system of Peruvian Shamanism.


The system consists of Nine Rites of Initiation for developing shamen.  The nine rites can be categorized into four groups…


1. Seer’s Rites


2. Healer’s Rites


3. Protection Rites


4. Connection to a Lineage Rites



The system consists of multiple Healing Techniques.  The healing techniques can also be categorized into four groups…


1. Helping with the Illumination Process


2. Eviction of foreign energies and entities


3. Soul Retrieval, retrieval of parts of the soul lost due to traumatic experience


4. Death Rites, helping the dying to successfully transition to the next stage of existence



The Munay-Ki system is extremely powerful!

I highly recommend this system for both personal development and healing.






Broad-Billed Hummingbird (Male), Santa Rita Lodge, Madera Canyon, Near Green Valley, Arizona