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by Scott Meredith

Learn how to actually feel chi energy during tai chi and not just go through the motions



by Samuel Sagan

This is a fabulous book!  Spiritual fiction of a high magnitude.  It is the story of a boy in his late teens to early twenties going through a process of initiation and spiritual awakening during the last decades leading up to the destruction of Atlantis.  It describes the spiritual beliefs and practices of that civilization.


It talks about energy.  It talks about consciousness.  It talks about light and dark, good and evil, connection to and separation from the world of spirit.  It talks about “The Cosmological Ladder,” the structure and nature of the hierarchy of consciousness that forms our world.  Really amazing stuff.  Well organized and well presented.


The author, Samuel Sagan, was the founder of spiritual organization in Australia called “Clairvision.”  The group heavily focused on third eye phenomena and undertook a series of astral projection experiments where they systematically mapped the structure of consciousness.  Many of their findings are woven into this book and the 3 other books of the “Atlantean Secrets” series.  This book is well worth your time.


WARRIORS OF STILLNESS: Meditative Traditions in the Asian (Chinese) Martial Arts

by Jan Diepersloot

Discusses standing meditation postures used to cultivate chi energy.  Focuses mainly on the wuji stance.


THE TAO OF YIQUAN: The Method of Awareness in the Martial Arts

by Jan Diepersloot

Discusses the history and development of Yiquan, a Chinese energy cultivation system developed by Wang Xiangzhai as a mixture of the best energy training techniques from around China.  Of special importance are the standing meditation stances of Master Han Xing Yuan and the push-hands techniques of Sam Tam.  Also recommend you look up Han Shi Yi Quan (Hanshi Yiquan) online.



by Allan P. Lewis

Huna is the modern name of ancient Hawaiian spiritual practices preserved and perpetuated by Hawaiian kahuna (experts, keepers of the secrets).  Qigong and Huna compliment each other perfectly.  Learn how to bring your conscious, subconscious and superconscious minds into harmony with one another and experience life in a new amazing way.



by Robert Wolff

Connect to all that is!

Humans have an innate ability to connect to nature and to each other. Modern humanity has lost this ability and desperately needs to get it back. Sense energy, emotion and intention in the world around you. Tap into a mysterious way of knowing. Interact with others with patience, acceptance, love, compassion and joy. Live a life of peace and happiness.



by Alex Grey

Visionary art portraying aspects of the human subtle energy system such as chakras and meridians.  Beautiful and inspired!



by D. Scott Rogo

A fabulous book on astral projection techniques!



by Stephen K. Hayes

Good for a small glimpse of ninja spiritual philosophy.


Ninja, Volumes 1-6

by Stephen K. Hayes

Again, good for a small glimpse of ninja spiritual philosophy and their 5 element chakra theory.


NINJA REALMS OF POWER: Spiritual Roots and Traditions of the Shadow Warriors

by Stephen K. Hayes

This book contains general information on ninja spirituality and illustrates an excellent Sennin Taoist meditation routine consisting of spinal loosening stretches and an energy raising meditation.  “Sennin” is the Japanese term for mountain hermits.  Be sure to do this meditation while sitting on the ground… grass, dirt, asphalt pavement or concrete.  If indoors, be on the ground floor of the building.  The earth actually possesses an energy which makes this meditation more effective when done on the ground than if done on a chair or couch or on an upper floor of a building.



by Stephen K. Hayes

Contains Japanese Buddhist philosophy and meditation practices.  “Mikkyo” is the Japanese term for “esoteric,” non-public, inner, hidden, secret teachings.  In Japan the Tendai and Shingon Buddhist sects preserve these teachings.


FROM MESMER TO FREUD: Magnetic Sleep and the Roots of Psychological Healing

by Adam Crabtree

Antoine Mesmer’s ability to feel qi energy was activated by his use of magnets early in his medical career.  He used terms like “animal magnetism” and “magnetic fluid” to describe what he was experiencing.  The medical techniques he and his students developed were extraordinarily effective.  Of special importance were the techniques of inducing magnetic sleep (hypnosis) developed and used by one of his students, le Marquis de Puysegur, for healing all manner of physical and psychological ailments.  The spiritual and psychological implications of magnetic sleep were/are astounding.  Unfortunately, as with all power, it can be used for good or used for evil.  These mesmeric hypnotic techniques can be used to heal or used to manipulate and control.  Mesmerism was eventually suppressed (ridiculed and “discredited”) by the ruling elite because it posed a threat to their hold on power over the minds of the populace.



by Dr. Marco Paret

A Western European Alchemical System of Spiritual Development!

I am reluctant to recommend this book because it is very difficult to understand.  The author is not a native English speaker.  He sometimes uses unusual vocabulary or phrasing.  Also, some of his footnotes are in French or Italian which make them totally worthless unless you speak/read French/ Italian.  However, I do recommend this book because it contains some good information and because the author, Dr. Marco Paret, is the real deal and is worth paying attention to.  I would also suggest you read some of his other books and check out his online videos where he demonstrates hypnotic fascination and mesmeric healing techniques.


This book, Magnetism and Energetic Ascent, presents a system of spiritual development using the Greek Tetraktys as an organizing structure.  The tetraktys consists of ten circles arranged in an equilateral triangle.  The base of the triangle has 4 circles, the next higher level has 3 circles, then 2 circles, then 1 circle, as you move higher.  The tetraktys is an ancient Pythagorean symbol encoding certain whole number musical ratios which when played on an instrument stimulate energy movement in the body and results in spiritual development.


Dr. Paret assigns certain alchemical symbols and meanings to each of the circles of the tetraktys.  When interpreted correctly, it becomes apparent that Dr. Paret is presenting a general organizing structure of a Western European alchemical system of spiritual development.


The 4 circles of the base of the triangle correspond to the four elements of earth, air, fire and water.  These elements represent a western system of chakra classification in the human body.  The element Earth refers to the root chakras of the perineum, the bottom of the feet, the knees and the finger tips when pointed down towards the earth.  The element Water represents the sub-navel and solar plexus chakras.  The element Air, represents the heart and throat chakras.  The element fire represents the third eye and crown chakras.


The 3 circles of the next higher level correspond to mercury, sulfur and salt.  These substances represent the three bodies that make up a human being.  Salt represents the physical body.  Sulfur represents the Energy Body/Spirit.  Mercury represents the Astral Body/Body of Light/Body of Consciousness/Soul.  The physical body is obvious and everyone is aware of this body.  The other two bodies are subtle and most people are not perceptive of their existence.


The 2 circles of the next higher level correspond to phosphorous/magnesium and heart/sulfur.  Together they represent psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy etc.  These abilities develop naturally as a result of spiritual development.  In Hindu systems they are called Siddhis.  In Christian systems they are called Gifts of the Holy Spirit.


The 1 circle of the top level corresponds to Gold.  Gold represents very profound spiritual states of consciousness which result from doing the Great Work.


Altogether this constitutes a concise yet fairly complete outline of a Western European alchemical system of spiritual development.  It is most important to note that the whole system is founded upon the four elements, the chakras.  In other words it is founded on bioenergy cultivation techniques to develop your energy body/spirit. As a result of practicing energy cultivation techniques you will progress to higher levels of the triangle.


WALKING YOUR BLUES AWAY: How to Heal the Mind and Create Emotional Well-Being

by Thom Hartmann


50 SELF-HELP CLASSICS: Inspirational Books to Transform Your Life

by Tom Butler-Bowden