Energy Healing



Most energy healers I know seem to have delusional notions of how effective their systems are.  Garden variety Reiki and Chi healing techniques do not appear to be very effective to me.  However, if you have done qigong and have learned to sense chi energy, you will come to the realization that there is far more to this world than we have been taught by our so-called authority figures.  Or as Shakespeare put it, “There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”


Once you can feel chi energy, it all of a sudden becomes feasible to believe someone has figured out how to use chi for healing purposes.  Below is a list of systems worth looking into for both bodily healing and spiritual development…







1A. First and foremost, I would suggest you learn to feel Chi energy.  Practice both the internal and external forms of qigong for combined benefit.  Contact me and I can help you myself or point you towards other people who may be able to help.  My Links page lists contact information for many.  First on the list is my qigong instructor Dan Ferrera.  I also recommend the Improved Kundalini Awakening Process (Improved KAP) instructors highly.   It would also be good to get Reiki Attunements from Dan Ferrera.


1B. Free Energy Healing on YouTube.  Energy Transmission can take place through recorded media such as Video.  There are many healers who have posted healing videos on YouTube free for you to watch at anytime.  Set your phone or iPad on a stand and sit or lay in front of the video to receive the healing.  Some of the YouTube channels I can recommend are “Rest Relaxation Reiki” by a woman named Lourdes, “Zoe Devi International”, “Kai Shanti – Angel of Light – Channeling God”, “Mariella La Cunza” and “Maria Molina – Holistic Healing”.


1C. Spiritual Healing / Shamanic Healing: The best healers don’t just heal your body, they heal your Soul.  They telepathically communicate with your Higher Self, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, Angels and Deities to Heal the patient on the level of the Soul.  Very quick, very profound psychological healing is possible with the help of these spiritual beings.  If you live in the Ann Arbor area, these are some of the individuals I recommend as being especially good healers: Lori Irvin, Christa Lynn and Jessica Marek.


2. Energy Touch Healing:  The Energy Touch School of Advanced Healing in Grand Rapids, Michigan teaches one of the most effective forms of healing I have experienced.  Jessica Marek from Grand Blanc, Michigan is a graduate of the school.  She can perform an in person healing if you catch her at a holistic health fair or can perform distance healing on you anywhere in the world.  She collaborates with your Higher Self, Angels and Spirit Guides to sense and remove disruptive energies and entities.  She retrieves and reintegrates parts of your soul which have left you because of traumatic experiences.  The effects are subtle but profound.  I highly recommend the Energy Touch Healing Method and Jessica Marek especially.


3. Munay-Ki Rites of Initiation: Healing the Luminous Body with ancient Peruvian Shamanism.  After you develop an ability to sense chi, I highly recommend you contact Bruce Fagan to become initiated into this lineage.  The initiations themselves are very healing.  Bruce lives in Holly Michigan.  His phone number is (248) 802-4607.  He also provides healing services separate from the initiations if you want to receive healing but don’t want to be initiated into the lineage.


4. Entity Eviction: Certain types of energies and spirit entities have a tendency to infiltrate the bodies of living humans.  These energies and entities then cause physical and psychological illness in the humans they have infiltrated.  Virtually everyone (99.9% of the populace) is infected with these things.  They slide into your body unnoticed then exert a negative influence on your thought and emotional processes.  They are an infestation, a plague upon the Earth and its inhabitants.  Eviction of these foreign energies and entities is VERY HEALING.  Both Jessica Marek and Bruce Fagan are highly skilled at entity eviction.


5. Jin Shin Jyutsu: This is a Japanese laying on of hands system for healing body, soul and spirit.  There is a wonderful book on the subject called ORIGINAL JIN SHIN: Japanese Physio-Philosophy Harmonizes Life Energy  by Mieke Berger.


6. Trigger Point Therapy: An acupressure like system for releasing blockages of subtle energy flow within the body.


7. Mesmerism, Fascination, Hypnotic Gaze: Mesmerism is essentially chi energy healing as it was discovered by Antoine Mesmer in mid to late 1700’s France.  He called it “animal magnetism” and “magnetic fluid” but it is the same thing as chi energy.  Fascination is using eye gaze to put someone into a trance state which breaks the individual out of their habitual state of mind and allows healing to take place.  Dr. Marco Paret is the world’s leading practitioner and trainer of fascination based healing techniques.


8. Tom Tam: Tong Ren Therapy: Claims to have high cure rates against cancer.  This system uses an acupuncture doll and a magnetic hammer to stimulate chi flow through energy meridians.  It amounts to using a voodoo doll for benevolent healing purposes.  It is kind of a strange idea but it is possible to heal someone with chi energy from a distance.  The effect seems to be aided by using a piece of paper with the patients name on it or a picture of the patient or a doll representing the patient.  The doll works best.


9. Reiki/Seckhem: A very popular system using Japanese and Egyptian forms of chi energy slightly modified specifically for healing applications.  Google Reiki healers in your area and you will likely find many.


10. Cupping: A Chinese therapy which involves putting glass or plastic cups on the patients skin and inducing a vacuum within the cup which sucks the skin up into the cup and creates a large blood gorged circle on the skin.  Cupping releases energy blockages and improves chi flow in the body.


11. Gua Sha: Chinese Scraping Therapy.  Involves scraping the skin with a special tool to release energy blockages and improve chi flow.


12. Spinal Decompression: Therapy involving stretching the spine to promote expansion and lubrication of spinal discs and improved nervous system functioning.