Earth as Hell


I once had an enlightened being tell me straight to my face that this is hell.  We are all living in hell right now.  I asked another enlightened being about it and he did not deny it.  He tried to finesse the issue by emphasizing the importance of focusing on the positive.  Specifically he said “This can be hell.  It can also be heaven.  It depends on how you look at things.”  But, he did not deny it.


Now I had previously entertained the possibility that this might be hell but had not really accepted the idea.  However, having an enlightened being tell me straight to my face that this was hell was a very traumatic experience.  The two most prominent emotions I experienced at the time were terror at the prospect of actually being imprisoned in hell for all of eternity and self loathing with the thought “Jesus, I must be some terrible fuck to deserve such a punishment.”


As I thought about things over the next few days and weeks trying to determine if he was right or not, it became clear to me that in some ways he was right and in other ways he was wrong.  He was wrong in three important ways…


1. Clearly this place is not an underground lava filled cavern of unbearable heat with little devils tormenting us by chasing us around and poking us in the ass with their pitchforks…as I was taught to believe hell was as a child by the manipulative head fuck religion I was raised in.


2. We are not sent here as punishment for some horrible transgression.  We are souls who are going through a process of growth and development.  For some reason incarnation in this place is beneficial to that process.  Just like humans are born small and must go through a process to mature into adults, souls are created in an immature form and must also go through a process of maturation.


3. We are not stuck here forever.  When we as souls have developed spiritually to a certain point, we don’t have to reincarnate anymore.  We can attain liberation from the cycles of reincarnation and attain liberation from this realm of suffering.




However, he was right in other ways…


1. The states of consciousness that we experience here are so far below what we are capable of experiencing that in comparison to what is possible, this is hell.  We are capable of experiencing bliss and joy and love and acceptance and connection to God and all that is.  We can experience all knowing states of consciousness.  We can experience clarity of perceptions and expanded states of awareness.  We are capable of experiencing sensations and emotions that are so pleasant they are almost unbearable.


2. Though we are not stuck here for all eternity and will eventually attain liberation from the cycles of reincarnation, tens or hundreds or thousands or millions of lifetimes in this realm of suffering are a close approximation to an eternity in hell.


3. Some events are so over the top horrible that it does fit a literal description of hell.  Just yesterday I saw a news interview with a woman who survived a close encounter with a raging forest fire.  She said it was “like being at the gates of Hell.”  Add to that house fires, warfare and less common volcanic eruptions and meteor strikes and well… it is beginning to look a lot like hell.  How about drowning, illness, injury, rape, assault, murder, loss of loved ones, fear of death, physical and psychological pain and suffering of all sorts.


4. Now throw in International Banker Cartel control of the populace and you have your satanic pitchfork devils.




The conclusion that I came to was that although this place does not exactly match the description of hell I was taught as a child, for all intents and purposes, he was right, this is hell.


However, don’t lose heart!  There is a way to endure and THERE IS A WAY OUT.  Do these two things…






Also, do what you can to help others develop spiritually and attain liberation themselves.




Tim Charles 11-30-2016