Sexual Techniques of Spiritual Awakening


Tantric Sexual Practices and the Tantric Eucharist



The most fundamental tantric sexual practice is to slow down and prolong the sex act.  Sex is not a race (guys).  Slow down and pay attention to the sensations in your body.  Doing this alone will result in a form of expanded awareness.


The second most fundamental practice comes from the realm of western sex magic secret societies.  There is a belief in western sex magic circles that an idea/image/visualization held in your mind at the moment of orgasm will be attracted to you.  The general idea is that this process creates an energetic reality in the spirit realm which will inevitably manifest in the material realm.  This idea is sometimes associated with the hermetic saying “As above, so below” above corresponding to the heaven or spirit realm, below corresponding to the material realm.  This assumes that everything in the material realm has a corresponding existence in the spirit realm and this spirit realm existence precedes and causes the material realm existence.


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Other tantric practices involve doing certain forms of meditation during intercourse.  These can include a wide variety of of forms but might specifically include the Vajrayana chakra meditations as described on the Vajrayana page of this website.  They might also include doing qigong energy circulation practices that interconnect the energy fields/circuits of both individuals.  For example, the man can run chi energy up his spine, out the top of his head, in the top of his lovers head, down her spine, out her vagina, in his penis and back up his spine…repeat.  Or you could run this circuit in the reverse direction.  Or you could run energy in a figure 8 form, an infinity symbol form crossing over at the heart or third eye or lower dan tien just below the belly button.  Some of these practices result in soul mating, a binding together of two souls over the course of future lifetimes.  It can form a strong psychic connection between the two individuals.  This may or may not be a good thing to do.  Be careful in the use of these combined energy circulation practices.


Some western groups suggest visualizing your lover in an idealized form.  For example a man might visualize his female lover as the goddess Aphrodite, wearing flowing white clothes and emitting a shining white or golden light from her face and body.  Or a woman might visualize her male lover as the god Apollo or Zeus or Adonis, wearing flowing white clothes and emitting a shining white or golden light from his face and body.




The Tantric Eucharist Ritual is one of the most important and secret of the Spiritual Sexual Practices.  The process is as follows…

The man and woman engage in long prolonged sex…at least half an hour, perhaps an hour, two hours or more.  The woman must orgasm at least once.  Better if she orgasms two or three times.  Then the man ejaculates into her.  Next they lay there quietly (not talking) and motionless for ten or fifteen minutes.  The man can remain in her during this time or he can pull out and they can both lay on their backs next to each other.  After the allotted time, the man goes down and using two fingers, his index and middle finger, he takes some of the semen vaginal juice mixture out of her vagina and gives it to her to hold in her mouth under her tongue.  He then goes back down and gets some for himself.  They again lay on their backs next to each other quiet and motionless for another ten or fifteen minutes.  Then they swallow the mixture.  Under favorable circumstances, if everything has been done correctly, a chemical reaction takes place between the semen and orgasmic vaginal juices forming some sort of


visionary/psychoactive/ psychedelic chemical.  This chemical is then absorbed into the bloodstream through the capillaries under the tongue.  If this ritual is repeated every few days over the course of a month or two, the individuals can attain knowledge and conversation of their holy guardian angels (HGA).  In other words, they attain awareness of and conscious communication with some form of protective guiding higher intelligence.  This is very beneficial to the individuals.


On a related note, something similar can happen to individuals who take hardcore psychedelics such as LSD or Psilocybe Mushrooms frequently over the course of a month or two.  They tend to have experiences of telepathic communication with gods or angels or spirit guides or aliens or AI computer systems.  What is happening for sure I cannot tell you.  Are these people actually communicating with real independent entities or are they simply communicating with some aspect of their own subconscious minds?  Or is there some other explanation for these events?  I do not know.  However, the phenomenon itself does appear to be real.


Also on a related note, people need to be careful when dealing with possible external intelligent entities such as this.  Although many of them may be genuinely benevolent, world mythology is full of stories of so called trickster gods who first give good advice and guidance to a human to gain their trust then give treacherous advice which leads to ruin.  According to my qigong instructor, Dan Ferrera, you should really only work with your own higher self.  Your higher self is not an external entity, it is an aspect of your own being which has direct access to the creative consciousness of the universe, to God.  As such, it can be totally and completely trusted.



There is a variation of the above Tantric Eucharist Ritual in which the man stays in the woman for the ten to fifteen minute quiet motionless period after ejaculation.  Then the two lovers go into the 69 position and retrieve the psychedelic Eucharist through mutual oral sex.


I want to emphasize that even though I am talking in terms of chemical reactions and psychedelic chemicals, there are also energetic spiritual processes taking place.  Mindset and intention are very important for successful completion of this procedure.


The Tantric Eucharist goes by many names.  In the Bible and in certain myths from the Far East it is called the Pearl of Great Price or the Pearl of Great Wisdom.  In dragon lore it is the treasure the dragon guards.  Whether a pearl or gold or jewels or a beautiful maiden or princess, the treasure represents the great prize awaiting the hero who slays the dragon.  The Chinese phrase “Dragon Holding the Pearl” refers to both the Eucharist and to certain energy cultivation practices.  The Buddhist mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” is sometimes translated as “The Jewel is in the Lotus” and refers to the Psychedelic Eucharist to be found in the female vagina.




In Western Alchemy the Tantric Eucharist is called the Philosopher’s Stone.  It is alluded to in many hermetic/alchemical drawings.  Some of the drawings are overtly sexual.  Many are deeply, almost impenetrably symbolic.  Solar and Lunar essences being poured into a chalice represent male semen and female orgasmic vaginal juices being deposited into the vagina.  Other symbols such as the two finger mudra, the lion and eagle drinking from the chalice and miners extracting gold from a cave represent retrieving the Psychedelic Eucharist from the woman’s vagina.  The term V.I.T.R.I.O.L refers to the process of creation.  In Latin V.I.T.R.I.O.L stands for Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem.  In English this means “Visit the interior of the earth and purifying you will find the hidden stone.”  This idea is associated with entering a hidden cave at the base of a mountain.  This cave is symbolic of a vagina which can be found at the base of the Mons Pubis of the human female who herself is symbolized as Terrae, mother earth.  In Grail Lore, the Mons Pubis corresponds to Mont Salvasche, the Mountain of Salvation.


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Finally, I want to point out the similarities between Christianity and Tantric Buddhism.  After reading this page, the page titled VAJRAYANA: The Tantric Buddhist Diamond Thunderbolt Path and the page titled THE EUCHARIST AND REMEMBRANCE: Christian Techniques of Enlightenment it will become clear that Christian and Buddhist meditation techniques have common features.  They both include mantra, light visualization, energy cultivation and the consumption of a chemical substance called the Eucharist.  In fact it is possible that Christianity contains a hidden sexual component as well.  The Christian Eucharist can be viewed as symbolic of and a functional substitute for tantric sexual practices.  The unleavened bread is made from grain which is seed and corresponds to the male semen.  The saltwater wine mixture corresponds to the female orgasmic vaginal juices.  The chalice corresponds to the female vagina.  The Christ Child corresponds to the product of sexual union, the visionary/psychoactive/psychedelic chemical.  The two fingers used to retrieve the substance from the woman’s vagina are commonly seen in Christian iconography as a mudra.  Many pictures of the adult Christ show him with this mudra.  Also, many pictures of the Christ Child show him with this mudra.  In fact I own a Russian Orthodox icon that I purchased on a trip to Moscow and it is a picture of the Virgin Mary with a chalice in which the Christ Child is standing and the Child has his hands in the form of the two finger mudra!  This icon is symbolic of the psychedelic Eucharist which is retrieved from the woman’s vagina using two fingers.


virginmarychalicechristchild jesuschalicemudra






Photos and Graphics Courtesy of…

Alex Grey

Tim Charles



















